Parent & Child Program

Important Note:

We will not be offering the Parent and Child Program for the 2024-2025 school year.

For any questions, please contact

For Caregivers & Their Children 3 years* of age and under.

Parent & Child is a weekly class where children and caregivers can attend together. Classes are small in size, and will be offered in five sessions from September to June, once per week, from 9 am to 11 am. Registration is required.

To be eligible to participate in the Parent & Child program, children must be 3 years of age or under on the first day of the session.

This class is an opportunity for families to meet on a regular basis, form relationships, share parenting insights, and feel supported in their lives with young children. Taking place in a home-like setting, each class includes time outside, circle time with songs, movement and rhymes, a nourishing snack, a time to play and a story.

Parent & Child classes are offered in five sessions during the school year:

  • Fall Session Part One: September – October
  • Fall Session Part Two: November – December
  • Winter Session: January – March
  • Spring Session One: March – April
  • Spring Session Two: May – June

The cost for this program is dependent on the number of classes per session.

Come explore the wonder of childhood!


If you have question about this program, or how your older child can experience London Waldorf School, please contact our Manager of Admissions & Retention at: