
Weather Policies

London Waldorf School Weather Policies

Extreme Weather

We receive the Middlesex London Health Unit’s Weather Alerts and, using our wind chill and humidex sensor and thermometer, carefully monitor the conditions on our relatively sheltered school grounds. An indoor recess is called if it is -17°C or colder with the wind chill factor, if there are thunderstorms or heavy rain, or if there are extremely icy conditions on the playground. If it is 31°C or 40°C with the humidex factor or warmer for two consecutive days, the MLHU issues a heat warning. At such times, we limit our time outdoors.

School Closing Due to Weather

When LWS is subject to inclement winter weather conditions, a decision may be made to close the school. At the forefront of the decision on whether to close the school is the ability for our LWS community to get to and from school safely. We also need to be able to ensure we can maintain sufficient staffing on site for our operations. We will make our best effort to keep the school open, however as a small school, inclement winter weather may result in a closure. We understand the challenges unexpected closures can create, and we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.

How is the decision made?

The normal process is to assess local conditions at the school and in the immediate surroundings based on the operating status of other organizations, transit operations including TVDSB & LCDSB school buses, the conditions of city roads and snow clearance in residential areas, and Environment Canada reports for London.

If accumulated snow clearance is progressing in residential areas, if transit is operational, and if weather conditions are not expected to change significantly through the course of the day, we will remain open.

All efforts will be made to take this decision by 7am.

Indicators used for decision making:

  • If Beaufort Street has not been plowed and is impassible, LWS will close
  • If we will not have sufficient staffing for our operations by the beginning of the school day (i.e. snow removal, student supervision), LWS will close
  • If Western University is closed, LWS will close ~ this choice is to be in alignment with decision making by another larger organization in close proximity to LWS
  • If TVDSB/LCDSB schools are closed, LWS will close ~ this choice is to be in alignment with larger decision making in our region
  • If ALL TVDSB/LCDSB school buses are cancelled, we will likely close ***we take the weather forecast and local conditions into consideration before a final decision is made
  • If some TVDSB/LCDSB school buses are cancelled, we will likely be open ***we take the weather forecast and local conditions into consideration before a final decision is made

How is it communicated?

Once a decision to close the school has been made, an email and text message is sent (SMS is sent to those who have opted in with a cell number on file in Ravenna), a notice is put on social media, the school website, and the phone message is updated.

Parents and faculty can visit the LWS website at www.londonwaldorf.ca/parent-resources for operating notices.

What happens if weather worsens during the day?

If weather worsens considerably during the day and we feel the school needs to be closed, we will call parents and emergency contacts to request that they pick up their child(ren). We will ensure that enough staff remain on site to adequately care for children until they are able to be picked up.

When LWS does not close in inclement winter weather

Weather conditions can sometimes be intimidating even though LWS does not close. Families and teachers who live at some distance from the school can be particularly affected. Parents and faculty are reminded that they are responsible for determining when weather conditions might make their route unsafe for travel.

In situations where the school is open and faculty feel they cannot report to work or will be late for work because of inclement weather conditions, classes may be combined until the teacher or a supply teacher arrives.

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate these situations with the best interests of our community in mind.