Waldorf Education: A Gift to Last a Lifetime
We believe in education as a force for social change.
Accessible Tuition Program
London Waldorf School is committed to making Waldorf education accessible to families. One way we demonstrate our commitment is through our Accessible Tuition Program (ATP).
ATP is a community supported process that aids in cultivating a positive and conscious relationship with our collective resources. The objective of this program is to ensure that the acceptance of a child into our school does not depend solely on the financial resources of the family. For families that make Waldorf education a priority in their lives, this unique process may result in an adjustment of tuition fees according to a family’s household resources. Based on this same principle, families who are able to, contribute more than full tuition fees.
If you need assistance, you are not alone; about 35% of our current families receive an adjustment on their tuition.

What Families Have Said About ATP:
“We left our ATP Conversation feeling full of gratitude and fully supported by the Waldorf community.”
“Our dreams of becoming a Waldorf family are coming true thanks to the ATP – thank you!”
“To be completely honest, the ATP meetings to discuss family finances are the most comfortable, non-threatening, and supportive financial meetings I have ever experienced in my life. What could be very unnerving for someone like myself, has become painless and even enjoyable! The ATP program and its members play a massive part in allowing my children to experience incredible education and we are thankful for the program for the people who make it work.”