March Break Camp 2025 Registration is OPEN!

Deadlines & Waitpool

Deadlines for Registration for the 2025-26 School Year

Returning Students

  • Tuition agreements for currently enrolled students will be provided to all families on Friday, January 31, 2025.
  • Families have until Friday, February 14, 2025 to return their:
    • signed tuition agreement
    • non-refundable Registration fee ($250 per child to a maximum of $500)
  • ATP applications must be returned by Friday, February 28, 2025.

Please Note: We have a limited number of spaces in each of our early years classes and they are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We strongly encourage you to return your tuition agreement as soon as possible after receiving it. If the tuition agreement is not
returned by February 14th, the spot is no longer held and may be offered to applicants in the wait pool.

New students

  • We accept inquires throughout the year. Please complete an inquiry form.
  • Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted beginning November 1, 2024 at 9:00 am.
  • Initial Applications are placed in the Wait Pool and held in sequence in accordance with our Wait Pool Policy (see below). Detailed steps of our Admissions Process are outlined here.
  • If you have a sibling of an enrolled student who is not currently enrolled at LWS and you are interested in submitting an application, please contact our Manager of Admissions and Retention as soon as possible.

Wait Pool Policy

London Waldorf School has written this policy with the following considerations in mind: fair and timely assessment of applications, and creating healthy classes with a view to long-term enrollment stability.  We do not accept fees to be placed in our wait pool.

Parents with children on the waitlist and whose applications are under consideration are encouraged to learn more about Waldorf education and to attend parent education talks and introductory events.

Programs offered at London Waldorf School have limited spaces available, and as such, we are not always able to accommodate all applicants. In order to ensure we do not exceed our capacity in a given program, applications for the next school year, as well as mid-year applications for full classes, are placed in a wait pool.

Regulations in our CCEYA-legislated Licensed Care Programs and London Waldorf School policies affect various aspects of the number and make-up of each classroom environment, thereby affecting the wait pool.

Generally, the school utilizes the following criteria to determine the wait pool ranking:

1. Students already enrolled in licensed care, kindergarten or grades programs on December 31st will have first priority in the program recommended by their child’s teacher for the subsequent year. The teacher will consult with the parents prior to making this recommendation.

2. Parents of currently enrolled students who wish to newly enroll a sibling in our school’s regular program (not including those attending our Home Schooling Visitor Day or the Parent and Child classes) and faculty members wishing to newly enrol their child will have second priority.

3. Third priority is given to families of children who enrol in the current year after December 31st, but before February 1st.

4. Fourth priority is extended to students enrolled in our Home Schooling Visitor Day or Parent and Child classes.

5. Families who are new to the school are given fifth priority.

Access to Wait Pool

In order to maintain privacy and confidentiality, we are not able to disclose your position in the Wait Pool.